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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

AR-15 for home defense?!? You don't say! (North Carolina)

It was 9:45 yesterday morning (May 12, 2014) when Jonathan Haith says he woke to a light knock on the back door of his Henderson, North Carolina home. The next sound wasn't so gentle as Jonathan heard what he called "a loud bang in the laundry room area".
It was an intruder kicking in the door.

Jonathan responded to the startling noise by reaching for the AR-15 he keeps under his bed for home defense. Crouching low as he moved through the house with his rifle, Jonathan encountered a male armed with a 9mm handgun and shots were exchanged.

"He shot first, I shot second," Jonathan said. "He missed and I reckon I connected."

With rifle rounds to his stomach, the armed intruder fled the house and collapsed just feet from the waiting getaway car in the church parking lot across the street. The driver of that car fled the scene but was apprehended by police shortly after.

There are no reports on the identity or condition of the wounded intruder.  

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