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Friday, March 21, 2014

2 Navy Snipers VS 38 Somali Pirates

Support our troops! Over 200 hostages -captured by pirates have now been released by our EU Nafvor forces. Thousands of vessels have been -protected over the last few years. The pirates have been taking hostages for years -but the tides are turning thanks especially to extensive European anti -piracy efforts.
Some people here would -argue that it`s the fishing that caused this by European and Asian fishing -ships. Please consider that the EU does not allow this. Any fishermen in Somali waters -were either not fishing from any EU members or if they were -from the EU then they were fishing there illegally. The EU is investing a lot of effort and money in the Somali coastal -police forces and the training of judges. On top of this the EU is a major donor to the African Union forces currently helping to keep -peace inside Somalia.
On top of this the EU is training Somali -government troops on a large scale in the neighboring nations so that one day peace keeping troops will no longer be needed. On top of this the EU is the biggest donor to Somalia. Last year alone -investing over 260 Million Euro to help alleviate hunger -regardless of political affiliation. Also investing tens of millions every year in medicine and new schools for Somalia. 
As even Bill Gates has recently -said quote "the EU is by far the worlds largest Aid Donor". To be clear; Of the 120 Billion in Global Aid last year 81 Billion came from EU nations and that despite the economic crises. The EU cares very much to solve this problem once and for all. Sending troops costs money and puts European troops at risk so is not desired. 
And in any case the Somali government -remains responsible for protecting it`s own waters from illegal fishing. Please also know do that it has been reported many -times that those committing piracy have nothing to do with the Fisherman but are based on religious extremists groups in Somalia- hoping to expand their foothold (committing piracy for money to buy weapons, influence, fuel, vehicles, etc).
Also consider the EU does not have a single military. While a single EU military is still some decades -away the Europe is slowly increasing it`s EU joined defense approach in various places around the world. Building more and more experience for united military defense. Like through the new EU Common Security and Defence Policy.

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