Monday, March 24, 2014

The US Armed Forces has changed considerably since 1975.

1 comment:

  1. And it's why the US military is considerably weaker than it once was. This obsessive escapade the Pentagon is on trying to emasculate everything for the sake of being "inclusive" has done nothing but hurt it. Men who would normally be attracted to the military simply don't want to be a part of such PC social experimentation. I saw first hand how it hurts unit morale, too. I don't think my unit ever deployed at full strength because every time orders came down at least one female would magically get pregnant. I’ve seen Marines go to prison and be dishonored in their discharge, marked as sexual criminals, all because a knocked up female decided she changed her mind about her consent the night before. It is destroying the militart quietly and anyone who speaks out is silenced with SHARP. Standards have subtly been lowered over the past 20 years too to quietly affirmative action recruits through training who have no business being in the military in the first place, much less a combat MOS.

    Bottom line this "new" militaryvsimply isn't appealing to many guys with a TRUE "warrior" attitude. It has quite literally become "just another job" and as such, those over recruiting are scrambling to pick up every scrap off the street they can. It's all explained well in James Hassan's book "Stand Down: How Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging America's Military".
